Living Luxe: Our bedding plays a big part in allowing us to have a restful sleep. As experts in all things bedding, how exactly do our sheets and duvets affect us when we go to bed at night?
David Saini: When you come home from a long day and your bed perfectly fits your comfort preference, it can be a great space to recharge and destress. It starts with investing in good-quality sheets and duvets to achieve longterm comfort and sleep satisfaction. If you have soft , high-quality cotton sheets, for example, you’ll feel relaxed and are more likely to get a restful sleep. High-quality cotton breathes better, it’s cool to the touch and feels better on our skin. This kind of bedding also tends to last longer and maintain its shape. If you prefer bedding that’s silky and smooth, opt for cotton-sateen, silk, bamboo or modal. If you like a crisp feeling when you get under the covers, go with cotton-percale.
Living Luxe: Cotton is a popular choice for bedding. What varieties do you offer and what are the differences between them?
DS: When determining quality of cotton, it’s important to consider the grades of the cotton yarns. The yarns we carry are very high-quality , so our cotton sheets are soft with a luxe feel. An example of one of our quality varieties is Giza cotton — a high-quality yarn known for its luxurious texture. Grown along Egypt’s Nile River, it has superior breathability , moisture-wicking properties and it’s soft and strong. It’s considered one of the best kinds of cotton in the world.
Living Luxe: Bamboo is quite a popular choice, too. What are the benefits?
DS: Bamboo, known for its delicate texture, is a natural fibre that’s hypoallergenic and resistant to odours, mould, mildew and dust mites. It tends to breathe bett er than cott on and linen, it has moisture-wicking properties, it’s absorbent and helps regulate body temperature. It also has natural antimicrobial properties, which helps to prevent the growth of bacteria, making it a great option for those who have skin sensitivities.
The other nice thing about bamboo is that it’s highly renewable and sustainable — it’s biodegradable, which means it’s more environmentally friendly than synthetic materials.
Living Luxe: What about micromodal? What exactly is it?
DS: Popular in athletic and sleepwear, micromodal is becoming more popular in bedding. It’s essentially a step up from bamboo, and it’s made from sustainable beech-wood pulp fibres. (The manufacturing process tends to be more environmentally sustainable, too.) Micromodal is silky , stretchy, adapts to your body shape and it’s gentle, making it a good choice for those who have sensitive skin. Its fine fibres give it an excellent breathability , allowing air to circulate freely to help regulate body temperature. Modal fibres also have a high moisture-absorption rate, so it draws excess moisture from the body like bamboo.
Living Luxe: Thread count is always a hot topic when discussing sheets. What does thread count really mean and what should we aim for?
DS: Traditionally, higher thread counts were considered desirable because they were thought to indicate finer, soft er and more durable sheets. But today, what’s more important than thread count is the quality of the yarn used. Sheets weaved with higher-quality yarn result in a higher-quality product. For instance, if you compare a product that has low-grade yarn with a higher thread count with a product made of high-grade yarn and a lower thread count, the latter will be the superior product with more luxurious characteristics.
We are always available to assist clients with finding the right bedding that works perfectly for comfort and sleep habits.